France’s 2017 presidential race is underway. The first round of the election will take place on April 23, followed by a run-off poll on May 7. French President François Hollande is not seeking a second term, making what has been a chaotic political contest even harder to predict. The country’s Constitutional Council has approved 11 official candidates. Find out who they are and where they stand by clicking on their pictures below.
François Fillon
Les Républicains
Marine Le Pen
National Front
Benoît Hamon
Socialist Party
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
La France insoumise
Emmanuel Macron
En marche !
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan
Debout la France !
Nathalie Arthaud
Workers' Struggle
François Asselineau
Popular Republican Union
Philippe Poutou
New anti-capitalist party
Jacques Cheminade
Solidarity and progress
Jean Lassalle
Translation: Joseph Bamat
Photos: Joel Saget, Geoffroy Van Der Has, Eric Feferberg, AFP, Graphic Department - France Médias Monde